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Are you ready to move from frazzled to fulfilled?

In 6 months, you will move from feeling like you've lost yourself in all the mom things - frazzled - to fulfilled - in control of your life, knowing yourself and your God, and the purpose He has for your life.

Frazzled to Fulfilled will teach you how to:

  • Reset your mind so that you can see yourself as God sees you.

  • Develop a real walk with God that will give you the peace and wisdom you need, and the desire to leap out of bed every morning to spend time with Him.

  • Grow personally, build new habits, and redefine your priorities, so you can achieve more than just getting the laundry and dishes done.

  • Take charge of your home, and manage your time better so you can be more present with your family.

  • Make time for yourself so you can be a better wife and mom.

  • Set achievable goals and knock out limiting beliefs.

  • Develop greater self-awareness and heal from past wounds.

  • Find your God-ordained purpose in life and live it out with freedom.

Frazzled to Fulfilled is a 6 month group coaching program. It includes:

  • 2 Group coaching calls per month - one for teaching and the other for Q&A, sharing, and support. We'll get hands-on with your challenges and create strategies to reduce overwhelm. (Value $300)

  • Worksheets/workbooks to help you put your strategies into action and cement learning. (Value $67)

  • Lifetime membership to a private community Facebook/Whatsapp group to support you while you are in the program and long after - providing support, community and accountability. (Value $30/month).

  • Lifetime access to replays so you can review anytime.

  • Access to Jennifer via the Facebook group or Whatsapp with your questions and challenges.


Bonus #1

30 Days to a Quiet Time Habit - a digital/printable guide to building a solid devotional time with God. (Value $27)

Bonus #2

Ultimate Life Planner for Moms - printable planning pages to help you get more organised, track important habits, set goals, journal. (Value $25)

Bonus #3

Self-awareness Journal to help you understand yourself better and improve emotional intelligence.

Bonus #4

30 Day personal growth mindset reset

This program is for you if:

  • You've lost yourself in motherhood and all the things
  • You can't keep up with your life
  • You're serious about growing yourself and becoming the best version of yourself
  • You're prepared to do the hard work of changing yourself
  • You want to get your life organised
  • You want to find your true purpose in life, aside from doing dishes and laundry
  • You enjoy group settings
  • You need accountability and support on your journey to becoming a fulfilled mom
  • You want to go deep and learn more about yourself
  • You want a vibrant relationship with God
  • You want to learn to accept yourself and like who God created you to be
  • You want to let go of past trauma
  • You're tired of feeling like the handbrake is on and you can't move forward with goals

This program is not for you if:

  • You're not prepared to change
  • You're not willing to work on yourself
  • You don't like group settings
  • You don't need mom-support
  • You're stuck in victim mode and aren't ready to take ownership of your life

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Your Coach

Jennifer Lovemore is a Life Coach specialising in parenting, productivity, and personal growth for Christian moms. She has diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, has been married for 33 years and has 3 grown children.

She has been mentoring/coaching women for 20 years, and draws from her wealth of life experience and clients to guide you to greater self-awareness, satisfaction, and personal growth - in Christ.

She went from Frazzled to Fulfilled herself and everything she teaches in this program is tried and tested in her own life.

She does not dabble in the shallows, so if you're looking to go really deep, connect with her.

Jennifer lives in sunny South Africa.

Connect with her at

@growing_moms on Instagram

Growing Moms on Facebook

What you can expect:

Once you're completed the program you will have a deeper understanding of what you mean to God, and how to walk with Him in your daily life.

You will know how to regain control of your home, so you can enjoy a peaceful home atmosphere.

You'll have time for yourself and feel replenished instead of depleted.

You'll feel more in control of your life, know what your priorities are and be more productive.

You'll know how to set clear goals for yourself that will move your life forward and help you grow as a person.

You'll also have a clearer vision of the plans God has for your life and how He wants to use you to impact more than just your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

6 Months, with one live video training call a month and one Q & A call a month. Plus free lifetime access to the Facebook group where you can get support and accountability.

How much time will it take each month?

Monthly workshops will be up to 1.5 hours once a month.

The Q & A call will be 1 hour a month.

The assignments will take 30 minutes max and some will be worked on in the months to come or during class.

Will I need to buy other materials?

Nope. Everything you need is included right here in the program.

Will I have one on one access to Jennifer?

All the classes will be recorded for your convenience. If you feel the need for one on one coaching you can email me at [email protected]

You will have access to me on Whatsapp or the Facebook group.

Will the meetings be live?

Yes. They will take place on Zoom. The replays will be sent to you as soon as they are available.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes. Instead of the once-off payment you can pay in 6 monthly installments. Select that option when you enroll.

Will there be replays of the classes?

Yes. They will be sent to your inbox and you will have lifetime access to them.

Can I do this as a single mom?

Absolutely! All the information will apply to you.

Can I do this if I'm not a mom?

Absolutely! If you are a woman that's looking for ways to grow and make lasting changes in your life, then you will benefit greatly from this program.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes. If you decide the program is not for you within 14 days of purchase, we will give your money back.

Money Back Guarantee

I'm confident that you will experience transformation through this group coaching program, but if you decide it is not for you we will return your money - within 14 days of purchase.

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